There are many advantages of young children going barefoot indoors and outdoors. It allows children to fine-tune their senses as they feel different textures like grass, sand and water.
It helps a child with movement and balance as they learn to walk. Walking barefoot allows children to develop the natural muscles in their feet, which in turn promotes better leg and knee muscle development. Experts say that a child’s feet develop a natural arch in their early years (0-6 years) so walking barefoot can better support this.
Children develop better awareness of their body within space when barefoot. It is also said it helps to reduce anxiety and stress as the children can connect to the ground and nature.
At the Happy Homestead we allow the children to go barefoot for these reasons.
Some surfaces the children come across may be uncomfortable on their feet like stones or rough surfaces like wood bark or prickly plants. Occasionally these may cause the child some discomfort, cuts or scrapes. Practitioners will role model that getting small scrapes are a normal part of playing outside. We will give cuddles and reassurance and suggest how they could avoid stepping on certain obstacles or how they could make sure that they have the appropriate footwear on. This teaches children how to successfully manage risks.